Using Python’s NumPy To Improve Your Board Game Strategy: Your Odds When Attacking in ‘Risk’

Image of board game - NumPy and Board Games in Python

I first played the board game Risk during my doctoral studies. We occasionally stayed up all night playing this game. I hadn't played it for many years, but I bought it "for the kids" this Christmas, so I got to play it again. And soon, I found myself wondering what the odds are for the… Continue reading Using Python’s NumPy To Improve Your Board Game Strategy: Your Odds When Attacking in ‘Risk’

How to Create Any Image Using Only Sine Functions | 2D Fourier Transform in Python

2D Fourier transform in Python Earth and grating image

What are the individual units that make up an image? Sure, one answer is pixels, each having a certain value. Another surprising one is sine functions with different parameters. In this article, I’ll convince you that any two-dimensional (2D) image can be reconstructed using only sine functions and nothing else. I’ll guide you through the… Continue reading How to Create Any Image Using Only Sine Functions | 2D Fourier Transform in Python